Metal packaging, made from permanent materials such as aluminium and steel, is a true contributor to the Circular Economy.
produced every year -
are consumed weekly -
EU citizen
Each year, some 98bn units are produced for the beverage, food, health & beauty, household and industrial markets. This means that, on average, every EU citizen consumes 4 units weekly.
Metal Packaging Europe gives Europe’s rigid metal packaging industry a unified voice, by bringing together manufacturers, suppliers, and their national associations.

Key facts
Responsible resource management has always been key to the success of our industry. Made from permanent materials suitable for multiple recycling, metal packaging is the perfect example of a Circular Economy at work.
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EU Packaging policy
We are focused on policies and legislation that guarantee the free circulation of packaged goods and address the environmental aspects of packaging and packaging waste.
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About us
We represent the industry’s views and voice opinions so that stakeholders understand how metal packaging contributes to the Circular Economy.
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As consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about the impact of packaging on the environment, Metal Packaging Europe encourages the licensed use of the Recycles Mark.
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Information Hub
We represent our members' interests towards policy makers and, as a knowledge partner, are dedicated to constructively contribute to EU policies relevant to our industry.
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