Looking back at Lisbon, looking forward to Dublin
Metal Packaging Europe is pleased to announce that its next Annual General Meeting will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on April 12th and 13th 2018. We look forward to welcoming you to the capital of the Emerald Isle, brimming with history and Irish charm, the perfect place for canmakers and colleagues to get together, so… save the date!

The 2-day meeting will start on Thursday April 12th with our Open Space, when the focus will be on the market commissions. In the evening, a walking and fingerfood cocktail will offer an excellent networking opportunity for delegates. The formal AGM will take place on the morning of Friday 13th April with the industry and market commissions presenting their key activities. An ‘Irish’ dinner will close the event on Friday evening.
Metal Packaging Europe can look back on a very successful first AGM edition earlier this year in Lisbon, with some 100 delegates representing more than 20 countries. Outside speakers provided their views on the metal packaging industry during the Open Space session: “Stronger together – Industry marketing initiatives which inspire”.`
Victor Vincente (Can the Can) kicked-off the event with a presentation on how his restaurant in Lisbon surrounds itself in metal packaging and serves gourmet canned food. Good food should come with a good drink, so Will Calvert (Windsor & Eton Brewery) and Jill Coomber (OneChocolate) illustrated the UK craft beer market and the Indie Beer Can Festival, after which delegates enjoyed a taste of Treason West Coast IPA.
Robert Budway (Can Manufacturers Institute) introduced the delegates to the world of Canstruction, with a magnificent range of statues made entirely from food and beverage cans which are then donated to food banks. CMI has built a close relationship with Canstruction and is assisting us to extend this partnership into Europe. The session was closed by Martin de Olde (Ardagh) who, on behalf of Dutch Retailer Albert Heijn, presented their “I recycle metal” campaign launched in early 2017, in which consumers could win 1100 bikes to reward them for recycling 95% of metal packaging in the Netherlands. This was a very successful link with a leading retailer which helped highlight our “permanent” story.
The Metal Packaging Europe team provided, together with commission representatives, updates on the activities undertaken by the industry commissions working on topics common to the entire industry, i.e. communications, food contact, packaging legislation, and sustainability. Additionally, the specific market focused commissions for aerosol, beverage, food and general line updated the members on their work programme. The legislative update was enhanced by Hans van Bochove, Chairman of EUROPEN and Vice-President Public Affairs and Government Relations at Coca-Cola European Partners.
Metal Packaging Europe members can receive copies of all presentations via the secretariat. Please contact us at info@metalpackagingeurope.org.