Meet the experts who work within dedicated groups on communications, food contact, environmental matters, and market specific projects.
Communication Working Group
The Communication Commission develops creative and compelling initiatives to communicate about the benefits of metal packaging to brand owners, retailers and consumers across Europe. We liaise with other pro-metal associations to develop global messaging that matches the requirements of our members’ customers.
Valérie Bindschedler
Chair (Massilly Holding)
Kale Symons
Secretariat (Metal Packaging Europe)
Environment Working Group
There is a growing need to take account of the metal packaging industry customers' visions concerning the environment, many of which have evolved from simple legal compliance to a more comprehensive approach involving business sustainability.
Laurent Leucio
Chair (CROWN Europe)
Romeo Pavanello
Secretariat (Metal Packaging Europe)
Food Contact Working Group
European food contact legislation is complex, as the precautionary approach to protecting consumers becomes ever more prevalent. To ensure that the Metal Packaging Europe membership is prepared for future developments, the Food Contact Commission monitors and updates members on food contact legislation.
Richard Whitaker
Chair (CROWN Europe)
Paul Hill
Vice-Chair (Ardagh Group)
Anne-Marie Hamelton
Secretariat (Metal Packaging Europe)
Beverage Commission
The Beverage commission proactively positions and supports the positive attributes and image of the beverage can relative to other beverage packaging alternatives. We support recycling programmes such as Every Can Counts raise awareness and encourage consumers to recycle their beverage cans.
Claudia Bierth
BEV Executive Committee Chair (Ball)
Romeo Pavanello
Secretariat (Metal Packaging Europe)
Food Commission
The Food Commission’s goal is to create a favourable environment for the food can relative to other food packaging alternatives. We communicate about the benefits of food cans in a dynamic way to brand owners, retailers and consumers across Europe. We also liaise with other canned food initiatives to develop consistent messaging that matches the requirements of our members’ customers.
Valérie Bindschedler
Chair (Massilly Holding)
General Line Commission
The General Line & Transport Commission is tasked with identifying opportunities to increase the sector’s visibility across its main European markets. We communicate about the many advantages of metal packaging to stakeholders, including the DIY sector. We also monitor and contribute to the development of international transport agreements for the carriage of dangerous goods.
Paul Garcia
Chair (Massilly Holding)
Giovanni Cappelli
Secretariat (Anfima)
Aerosol Commission
With a yearly volume of 5.5 billion units, aerosols are a core business for Metal Packaging Europe members. The Aerosols Commission is mandated to address technical aspects of aerosols and to develop marketing initiatives. We also prepare industry positions on various topics assessed as important for the aerosols market.